First let’s understand what is WhatsApp Verified Badge and how its visible to the user.
Display Name
You need to submit a display name along with the WhatsApp number while you apply for a WhatsApp Business API Access. The Display name will be associated with your WhatsApp mobile number and will be displayed to the user based on your account type.
Type of WhatsApp Business Account
Business Account
By default, any account using the WhatsApp Business API or WhatsApp Business App is a business account.
WhatsApp verifies the authenticity of a brand for every account on the WhatsApp Business API.
Official Business Account
WhatsApp has verified that an authentic, notable brand owns this account. An official business account has a green checkmark badge in its profile and chat thread headers. The name of the business is visible even if the user hasn’t added the business to their address book. Very few businesses will be official business accounts.
How Your Business Appears to Users
Depending on your business account type, users will see different things. If a user has already saved the business number in their address book, the name from their address book will always be displayed. The phone number will still be visible in the contacts view.
Official Business Account (Verified)
If your WhatsApp account is an official business account (verified), the display name will be visible in the chat list, chat screens, chat groups, and contacts view instead of the phone number. There will be a green checkmark beside the displayed name in the contacts view.

Business Account (Default all Accounts)
If your WhatsApp account is a business account, the display name will only be shown in the contacts view in smaller text; all other views will show the phone number. You can help customers learn more about your company by filling out your business info, including business website, address, and hours.

Eligibility Criteria for Getting Green Badge ✅
- You must be using WhatsApp Approved Business Account
- You must enable 2 Step Authentication
- Your Facebook Business Manager should be verified by Facebook
- Must be a business (Individuals are not allowed as of now)
- Highly recommended you are in Tier 2 or above messaging level.
If your business is recently got approved through us then we recommend you to please wait for a minimum 3 months or until you are eligible for Tier 2 messaging level before applying for a verified badge since 99% of businesses used to get rejected if applied without any messaging and quality statistics.
We recommend you to please start sending and receiving messages as per the WhatsApp polices so that WhatsApp will have more confidence after going through your messaging statics and quality score.
Based on our experience so far WhatsApp gives verified badge only for Fortune 500 and very few selected businesses who have high brand value in the public market.
If your application is rejected by WhatsApp then we can re-apply only after 3 months and no option to appeal.
Requesting an Official Business Account (Verified Green Badge)
When you are ready please fill and submit the below form.
WhatsApp do not grant official business accounts to business employees or test accounts. We don’t guarantee the approval as its sole discretion of the WhatsApp team whether to convert your account as Official Verified Business Account.
Our company facebook account is verified with blue tick , will it consider for getting green badge for WhatsApp.
Not really but it may be just an added advantage for the reviewer.
Is there any cost involved for getting the WhatsApp Verified Account?
WhatsApp don’t charge any extra amount but we charge consultation charges in order to prepare your case and present with WhatsApp. The cost would be between $200 to $1000 depends on the size of the business. We will let you know the exact price after you provided the information need to prepare your case.
How long it takes to get the verified badge ?
Currently WhatsApp don’t have any TAT for this, based on our experience so far , it takes 4-7 weeks or even more.
I am a politician / public figure am I eligible for getting green tick?
No, currently WhatsApp gives approval only for businesses.