WATI Alternative
Picky Assist Vs WATI
Let’s compare Picky Assist Vs WATI to find the real difference between the services offered by these 2 companies
Both the companies are focused in business communication services where WATI is focused on on WhatApp only and Picky Assist gives more flexibility to connect many channels together with more advanced automations than WATI

Channels is where all the communication happens between
your business and customers

Picky Assist offers more channels than WATI so you don’t need to search for another provider to automate your business communication in all the channels where customers are.
Conversation Automation
Conversation automation helps your business to automate
inbound messages without routing to human agents

In the conversation automation Picky Assist gained more points when compared with WATI because of the capabilities of Intent & Context based conversation including the Deep Integration of ChatGPT and auto learn feature.
Shared Inbox
Shared Inbox is the feature that allows business to add their internal team members
so that you can share one number with many team members

Picky Assist is more practical and feature packed when compared with WATI for the shared inbox feature, see the difference yourself. Explore Picky Assist Shared Inbox
Lead Nurturing Automation
Lead nurturing is a feature that helps you to send a series of automated messages
at regular intervals to influence your customer decision

Both Picky Assist & WATI have similar features for nurturing leads however when it comes for advanced and dynamic lead nurturing Picky Assist have clear advantages with the capability to send dynamic drip campaigns and wide integration with any platforms.
Broadcaster helps businesses to send personalized mass messages
via WhatsApp like Promotional or transactional alerts

Both Picky Assist & WATI offers same features for sending mass WhatsApp messages however if you are looking for automated campaigns from 3rd party apps like Shopify Store, Ecommerce or even your own list then Picky Assist have advantages
3rd Party Integrations
3rd party integrations helps business to connect their WhatsApp into the app which they use daily,
this is one of the must have feature to consider a vendor

When it comes into integration with 3rd party Picky Assist is decades ahead than WATI or any other competitors out there in the market, Picky Assist Universal no code connector (similar to Zapier) allows businesses to connect WhatsApp virtually to any software they use.
Advanced Automation Features
Automation helps you to save a lot of time if properly configured and can save your operating cost,
increase your employee productivity, increase customer success ratio and much more

If you want to grow your business and put them into autopilot then you must consider Picky Assist advanced automation capabilities which helps you to put your business into auto-pilot mode and save high cost.
CRM Features
WhatsApp CRM offers companies to manage their WhatsApp contacts effectively with the platform

Picky Assist offers wide more features and capabilities than
WATI when compared the CRM features
WhatsApp Commerce Feature
WhatsApp recently launched commerce feature for its WhatsApp Business API which helps business to send
product catalog or send one or many items via WhatsApp messages

At this moment WhatsApp Commerce is in its early stage and WhatsApp makes random changes Picky Assist is already started to integrate with the available solution and can expect a full fledge WhatsApp e-commerce by end of 2023
Pricing & Billing
This is where businesses generally take a decision after
comparing all the features with competitors in the market,

Picky Assist is more pocket friendly compared with WATI. Picky Assist is the best choice for Indian customers with GST as it can give GST input on all bills along with a wider range of payment options than credit cards.
We also don’t limit any features in any plans so you can even enjoy advanced automation features in the starting plan $14 per month
Support is a very crucial factor for business when things go wrong,
so let's understand how Picky Assist & WATI differ each other

Picky Assist offers more ways to provide support than WATI
so that you can be sure that you are backed by us when you are in trouble.

Already using WATI ?
Book a free consultation with our solution team and we will show you what more possibilities you can achieve with Picky Assist compared with WATI

Still looking for Picky Assist alternatives?
Discuss your requirements with our product discovery team and we are confident that we will able to provide you with the best solution you can get from the industry at the best price.

Looks good for you?
If you found Picky Assist can assist your business in a better way than WATI then create a 7 days trial to experience the difference